Examinations aid in testing the reception of knowledge and its application in a practical manner to assess the impact of teaching methodology and learner information absorption. Continuous evaluation and assessment of the child is carried out to challenge the intellectual competency and measure the behavioral and intellectual growth. Periodic Unit tests and Semester exams are conducted to cognize each student’s progress and advancement. Intermittent PTA meetings are organized to update parents about their child’s scholastic and co-scholastic performance.
Examinations are specially designed in such a way that children exercise their critical thinking skills. Question pattern includes general questions, higher order thinking questions and puzzles. It helps teachers and parents to gouge out the true aptitude of each child.
* 4 Periodic Assessments (PA) are conducted within a year. There will be two semesters in the academic year with end semester exams to analyse the progress of each student.
* Subject enrichment activities are conducted throughout the year where the students will be gauged on their subject and language skills.
* No child will be promoted to higher class until he/she qualifies to get promotion.
* Promotion will be based on the continuous comprehensive evaluation conducted throughout the academic year.
* No retest will be given for any examination. If the student is found unable to cope-up with the syllabus he/she will be advised to change the stream.
* Hall tickets will be issued to the students who have cleared their dues at least a week before the examination.